Friday, August 19, 2011

What it's all about

I want to be happy.  I want to be a better person.  I want to grab life and live it to the fullest everyday.  Weekly I will be recording 4 goals and how they turn out.  Goals can be repeated week to week if they are not achieved.  Once achieved, they are not simply tossed out, but remain in action.  Once accomplished it is then time to add a new goal to practice in addition to the old one.

Ready?  Here we go.

Week 1.

1~Make decisions.
     Why is it so easy for you to let someone else decide everything for you?  I know somewhere deep down you have preferences and desires.

2~Be assertive.
     You are not a pushover.  You know how to run your business- the clients don't.

3~Express emotions to those that matter.
      B deserves to know what's going on upstairs.  Things that are embarrassing, things that hurt, things that are joyful... share it all.  It will only strengthen the bonds.  Learn by his example.

4~Go out of your way to be kind to everyone.
     Do something extra nice/ special for one person at least everyday.